
Soccer was popularized in this city by the Scheutist (“SKOO-tist”) Tata Raphaël. This city’s namesake Brasserie was founded in 1923 to produce Primus beer. Didier Gondola noted how “coastmen” working in this city and a northern neighbor in the 1920s inspired a dandyistic subculture called La Sape (10[1])(“sahp”). This is the largest city where religions like Kimbanguism (10[1])spread anticolonial resistance in the interwar period. In this city, bands like Franco’s OK Jazz popularized rumba music sung (10[1])in Lingala. A country governed (10[1])from this city promoted the wearing of pagnes (“PAHN-yuhs”) and abacosts as part of authenticité (“oh-tawn-tee-see-TAY”). A president who hosted the “Rumble in the Jungle” in this city (10[1])changed its (-5[1])name from Léopoldville. For 10 points, name this city from which Mobutu Sese Seko governed Zaire (“zye-EER”), the present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Kinshasa [accept Léopoldville until read]
<World History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Roan DowlingIowa AUW A4510
Deepak MuthyalaTexas A&M AMichigan State A5410
William DawsonUBC ASorbonne7310
Chinmay MurthyTexas AIowa B7810
Dwight SolanoTexas A&M BClaremont A10410
Rahul KumarRice AAppalachian State106-5
Cameron WilliamsAppalachian StateRice A13010