
The speaker of a poem by this author declares, “I feel my heart… melt like wax: my veins are slow oil and not wine.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this author who also wrote a poem after a man’s suicide that begins, “From that frozen niche where the men have put you, I will lower you down to the humble, sunny earth.”
ANSWER: Gabriela Mistral [or Lucila Godoy Alcayaga]
[10e] Mistral wrote a sequence of three poems in this genre partly titled for death. Those poems use the Petrarchan form of this poetic genre.
ANSWER: Petrarchan sonnets [or sonetos]
[10h] Another Mistral poem declares that this concept “shall not be an opiate… but a strong wine” and calls this concept “the shadow of God over the universe.”
ANSWER: beauty [or belleza] (The poem is “Decalogue of the Artist.”)
<World Literature>

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