
Note to players: two answers required. Monomials of these two quantities are symmetrized in the Weyl ordering rule. A closed line integral of one of these quantities with respect to the other must equal nh in the Wilson–Sommerfeld quantization condition; that expression also defines the actions in action-angle coordinates. The expectations of these two quantities follow classical orbits according to Ehrenfest’s theorem. (10[1])In either of these quantities’ eigenbasis, the other’s operator is given by negative i-times-h-bar times a partial derivative. Derivatives of the Hamiltonian with respect to these two quantities appear in Hamilton’s equations. The product of the standard deviations of these two quantities is bounded below by h-bar over 2 according to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. For 10 points, give these two quantities symbolized x and p. (0[1])■END■

ANSWER: position AND momentum [or generalized coordinates AND generalized momenta; prompt on x or q for position and p for momentum until read]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Rasheeq Azad (UG)UNC B (UG)Maryland A (Grad)6110
Patrick Torre (DII)Maryland C (DII)Liberty B (DII)1270
