
These belief systems held that a malevolent demiurge (“DEM-ee-urge”) created the material world. For 10 points each:
[10e] Give this Greek-derived term for Jewish and early Christian belief systems that emphasized hidden knowledge of the divine. Early church fathers denounced them as heretical.
ANSWER: Gnosticism [or Gnostic religions]
[10m] Jesus imparts gnosis upon this apostle in a Gnostic Apocryphon named for him. Three epistles in the New Testament are named for this younger son of the fisherman Zebedee.
ANSWER: John the Apostle [or Ioannes; or Yochanan; accept Apocryphon of John]
[10h] This thinker borrowed the term pleroma, denoting full divinity, from the Apocryphon of John and contrasted it with creatura, or the divine incarnate, in the book Seven Sermons to the Dead.
ANSWER: Carl Jung

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Maryland C (DII)Duke A (UG)100010
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Virginia B (UG)Liberty A (Grad)0000
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