
Answer the following about Mark Dery’s 1994 essay “Black to the Future,” which coined the term “Afrofuturism,” for 10 points each.
[10m] While listing the four African-American novelists who write science fiction, Dery included Octavia Butler, the author of this novel in which Dana time travels between her Los Angeles home and a slave plantation.
ANSWER: Kindred
[10h] For the essay, Dery interviewed Samuel Delany, who wrote a sci-fi novel in which Rydra Wong learns a weaponized language named for this place.
ANSWER: Babel [accept Babel-17]
[10e] Dery states that “Afrofuturism percolates” through works in this form like the Hardware series. Other Afrofuturist works in this form include a series by Ta-Nehisi (“tah-nuh-HAH-see”) Coates about Black Panther.
ANSWER: graphic novel [or comic book]
<American Literature>

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