
An “anti-play” by an author from this country opens, “You are welcome. This piece is a prologue.” For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this home country of Peter Handke (“HONT-kuh”), who wrote the play Offending the Audience. Other authors from this German-speaking country include Thomas Bernhard and Stefan Zweig (“SHTEH-fahn ts’VIKE”).
ANSWER: Austria
[10m] This Austrian author supported the decision to award Handke the Nobel Prize despite his much-denounced support of Slobodan Milošević (“mih-LOH-shay-vitch”). This author of The Piano Teacher drew on Ibsen’s A Doll’s House for the play What Happened After Nora Left Her Husband.
ANSWER: Elfriede Jelinek (“el-FREE-duh YELL-in-ek”)
[10h] Jelinek wrote a screenplay based on a novel by this other Austrian author. In that novel by this author, the unnamed narrator has an affair with Ivan, who may be based on Paul Celan, before disappearing into a crack in the wall.
ANSWER: Ingeborg Bachmann (The novel is Malina.)
<European Literature>

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GWU B (Grad)Duke A (UG)100010
JMU A (UG)JMU B (UG)100010
Maryland C (DII)Liberty B (DII)100010
Roanoke College A (DII)Liberty C (DII)100010
UNC A (Grad)Maryland A (Grad)1010020
Maryland B (UG)Virginia B (UG)100010
UNC B (UG)UNC C (UG)100010
Virginia A (UG)Liberty A (Grad)1010020
UNC D (DII)Virginia C (UG)0000