
Marcantonio Raimondi’s engraving of a seated Raphael was the basis for a painting titled for this substance that critics derided for being a full-length portrait of a rag-picker. This substance titles another painting to which the Victorian critic George Moore gave the moralistic reaction “What a whore!” (10[1])This substance is beneath the hands of the subject of Picasso’s Blue Period portrait of Angel Fernández de Soto. The painting The Old Musician features the same man in a brown cloak and top hat from a (emphasize) different painting titled for this substance by Edouard (10[2])Manet. Ellen Andrée (“on-DRAY”) modeled for a painting originally titled Dans un (10[1])Café (“dawn zun kah-FAY”) in which this substance lies on the table in front of (10[1])an (10[2])apathetic woman in a (10[1])white blouse. For 10 points, that painting by Edgar Degas is named for what pale-green liquor? ■END■

ANSWER: absinthe [accept L’Absinthe or The Absinthe Drinker or Le Buveur d’absinthe; prompt on liquor or alcohol or spirits; reject “wine” or “beer”; prompt on glass by asking “what is in the glass?”]
<Painting & Sculpture>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrei HuiCambridge COxford C4610
Ben Russell JonesEdinburghImperial A9210
Andrew FisherSheffieldKCL9210
Michael KohnDurham AImperial B10310
Harrison WhitakerCambridge ACambridge B11510
Ian DewanKielBristol11610
Jake RobertsDurham BOxford B11610
Oliver HargraveOxford AWarwick12010