
A popular governor of this colony gave out his own money to locals and built tents for the homeless after a fire destroyed most of this colony’s largest city on Good Friday. In this colony, many Filipino sailors who deserted their ships, called “Manilamen,” (-5[1])founded the town of Saint Malo. This colony, whose first Spanish governor was Alejandro “Bloody” O’Reilly, was settled in the 1780s by thousands of Canary Islanders called “Isleños” (“ees-LAYN-yohs”). This was the (emphasize) largest colony run by Esteban Miró, who entered secret negotiations with James Wilkinson. This colony, which changed hands in the Third Treaty of San (10[1])Ildefonso, was given its name by the Sieur de La Salle. Robert Livingston negotiated this colony’s final transfer for 15 million (10[1])dollars. For 10 points, name this part (10[1])of New France that Napoleon sold to the (10[1])US. ■END■

ANSWER: Louisiana [accept French Louisiana or Spanish Louisiana; accept Louisiana Purchase; prompt on New France or Nouvelle-France until “New France” is read] (The first clue refers to Esteban Miró helping out during the 1788 Great Fire of New Orleans.)
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Justin LeeImperial ADurham A43-5
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Isaiah SilversDurham AImperial A13510