
Bacterial infections within the organ where this substance is produced cannot be treated with daptomycin due to daptomycin’s high avidity for this substance. Colfosceril palmitate or Survantra can be used to treat patients whose levels of this substance are critically low. The innate immune properties of this substance are mediated by the collectins SP-A and SP-D. Amniotic fluid is routinely tested for its ratio of lecithin (“LESS-uh-thin”) to sphingomyelin (“sfing-go-MY-uh-lin”) to assess fetal production of this substance. (-5[1])Prematurely born infants are at higher risk of IRDS, in which low levels of this substance can result in atelectasis (“at-uh-LECT-uh-siss”). The most prominent compound present in this substance is the phospholipid DPPC. For 10 points, name this substance that reduces the surface tension of alveoli within the lungs. (10[1])■END■ (10[1]0[4])

ANSWER: pulmonary surfactant [or lung surfactant; or alveolar surfactant; prompt on DPPC or dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine by asking “can you be less specific?”]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sam MooreDurham AImperial A74-5
Enoch YuenImperial ADurham A12210
Ted WarnerBristolSheffield12310
Oscar SiddleWarwickCambridge A1230
Sam FooCambridge AWarwick1230
Matt SheldonOxford CDurham B1230
Aisling SkeetDurham BOxford C1230