
In a novel, four friends living in this country read the suicidal student Lola’s diary and are interrogated by the Captain. A poet from this country named Oskar Pastior inspired a novel originally titled for a “swinging (10[1])breath” in which a closeted gay teen trades books such as Faust for supplies. This country, the primary setting of The Land of Green Plums, is the birthplace of a character (10[1])who shovels coal after being deported to a Soviet labor camp, Leo Auberg. This country’s ethnic German minority is central to Herta Müller’s novel The Hunger (10[1])Angel. An author born in this country wrote a play in which Jean (“zhawn”) claims that “humanism is dead!” after his skin turns green and Bérenger (10[2])(“bay-ron-JAY”) watches the other characters turn (10[1])into the title animals. (10[1])For (10[1])10 points, name this country, the birthplace of Eugene Ionesco. ■END■

ANSWER: Romania
<European Literature>
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