
This figure fathered the Coronides by his first wife, whom Hera sent to Tartarus for being too beautiful. In one story, this husband of Side (“SIGH-dee”) was conceived when three gods urinated on a bull hide to give king Hyriaeus (“high-REE-us”) of Boeotia (“bee-OH-shuh”) a son. This figure carried Hephaestus’s servant Cedalion, who guided him to the healing (10[1])rays of Helios, on his shoulders. A jealous Apollo challenged another deity to shoot a black object far out at sea, (10[1])which turned out to be this figure swimming. This figure, who was blinded by Merope’s (“MARE-oh-pee’s”) father for violating her, boasted that (10[1])he could kill every beast on earth, (10[1])after which (10[1])Gaea sent a creature that stung him to death. (10[1])For 10 points, (10[1])the constellation Scorpio represents the killer of what hunter whose own (-5[1])constellation has a “belt” of three stars? (10[1])■END■

= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Elijah ScheinsonOxford CCambridge A5410
Rachel BenthamCambridge BKiel7510
Michael KohnDurham ASheffield9610
Jaime Salamanca CamachoImperial BOxford B10310
Frances HadleyEdinburghCambridge C10510
Jacob RobertsonOxford AKCL11410
Michael MaysImperial ABristol11710
Aisling SkeetDurham BWarwick128-5
Thomas HartWarwickDurham B13510