
G. E. Moore claimed this thinker made a clear error when using “desirable” like the word “audible” when describing desirability, exhaustiveness, and impartiality as three sub-claims to a singular principle of reason. In one book, this thinker argued that an opinion that appears to be false does not justify its suppression under the assumption of infallibility. In another book, this thinker demonstrated the direct method of agreement involving circumstances “A B C” as the first of five methods of induction. This thinker distinguished between higher and lower (10[1])pleasures and borrowed heavily from Jeremy Bentham in an 1861 essay that argues that the goal of ethical life is to maximize happiness. For 10 points, name this British philosopher who wrote Utilitarianism and On Liberty. ■END■

ANSWER: John Stuart Mill (The work is A System of Logic.)
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