
To determine the polarization of these particles, beams of muons were scattered onto lithium-6 deuteride targets in a 2006 experiment in the COMPASS project. The compression of this particle’s fields into tubelike regions explains the linear potential term in the Lund (10[1])string model. Fusion of these particles is the primary route for producing Higgs bosons at the LHC. These particles were discovered by the TASSO collaboration at PETRA after observing a three-jet event. (-5[1])Still-unobserved (10[1])spin-2 or spin-3 composites of these self-interacting particles are called “balls” of these particles. On Feynman diagrams, helices represent these particles, (10[2]-5[1])whose eight types include “red anti-red” (-5[1])and “red (10[1])anti-blue.” These vector bosons mediate the formation of nucleons from quarks. For 10 points, name these gauge (“gayj”) bosons that transmit the strong force. (0[1])■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: gluons [accept gluon balls; prompt on glueballs]
= Average correct buzz position

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Ian DewanKielOxford A4010
Maxwell YeCambridge ASheffield72-5
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James ByrneBristolOxford C94-5
Kai MadgwickDurham AWarwick9410
Michael MaysImperial ADurham B100-5
Rose ConwayCambridge CKCL10210
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Lyndsey HepworthSheffieldCambridge A12610
Jake RobertsDurham BImperial A12610