
Answer the following about the Great Divergence, where Europe economically overtook the rest of the world starting in the 18th century, for 10 points each.
[10m] This British biochemist-turned-Sinologist’s “question” concerns why China fell behind Europe in science and technology despite initially leading. Simon Winchester’s biography The Man Who Loved China chronicles the creation of this scholar’s path-breaking Science and Civilization in China.
ANSWER: Joseph Needham
[10h] Cultural explanations of the Great Divergence were initially emphasized by this economist, who discussed the British “responsiveness to pecuniary opportunity” in his book The Unbound Prometheus, although he later shifted to a more multifaceted view in The Wealth and Poverty of Nations.
ANSWER: David Landes
[10e] An alternative explanation promoted by Kenneth Pomeranz emphasizes that English deposits of this resource were located near economically developed regions. This resource powered Thomas Newcomen’s first steam engine.
ANSWER: coal [accept anthracite]
<Social Science>

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