
After being forced into saying that he has this profession, a character notes that a benefit of this profession is that no one has “been known to complain” about being killed by one of these people. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this profession. In a play by Molière, Argan falsely believes that he needs help from people with this profession, and ultimately participates in a made-up ceremony to turn him into one of them.
ANSWER: doctors [or médecins]
[10h] In another Molière play, this recurring character’s wife convinces two men that he is secretly a doctor but will only admit it if he is beaten up.
ANSWER: Sganarelle
[10m] Sganarelle also dresses up as a doctor while working as a valet in Molière’s adaptation of this character’s story. In Molière’s version, Sganarelle invites the statue of a man to dinner instead of this character doing so.
ANSWER: Dom Juan [or Don Juan; accept Don Giovanni]
<European Literature>

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Cambridge AImperial B1001020
Durham ACambridge B1001020
Cambridge CDurham B1001020
Oxford AImperial A1001020
Oxford COxford B001010
Oxford BOxford C1001020