
This empire performed the first reported successful blood transfusions, a feat enabled by the fact that its peoples had the highest proportion of type O blood in the world. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this empire that produced the first-ever local anesthetic from medicinal plants grown in the top sector of the “vertical archipelago” system.
ANSWER: Incan Empire [or Tawantinsuyu] (The anesthetic is cocaine, from coca. Peru and Ecuador still have the highest proportion of people with type O blood in the world.)
[10e] Incan use of powdered cinchona bark to treat fever led to widespread European use of this drug in tonic water as an antimalarial, which made this possibly the first known chemical compound used to treat an infectious disease.
ANSWER: quinine [accept kinkina]
[10m] In 2018, bioarchaeologists found that Inca surgeries of this type had an 80 percent chance of survival, 30 percent higher than similar operations done during the American Civil War. This oldest known surgery involves drilling into the skull.
ANSWER: trepanation [or word forms of trepanning or trepanned or trephination; reject “trepanging”]
<World History>

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