
The Southern style of singing at these events differs from the Northern style because of its lower vocal range and the slightly different performance of cycles called starts and pushups. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name these Native American and First Nations social gatherings during which the Fancy Dance and Straight Dance are performed to drum music and singing.
ANSWER: powwows
[10m] The Omaha tribe may have originated a dance named for this substance in which performers sway as they jump and lean forwards and backwards. 21 strands symbolizing different generations are woven into this substance in an art form that titles a book by Robin Kimmerer.
ANSWER: grass [or sweetgrass; accept the Grass Dance; accept Braiding Sweetgrass]
[10h] Tony White Cloud repopularized a powwow dance that imitates the shapes of animals using examples of these objects made from reeds and covered with tape or paint.
ANSWER: hoops [accept Hoop Dance]
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