
As documented in Werner Herzog’s Herdsmen of the Sun, men of this non-Tuareg ethnicity take part in a beauty contest called the Guérewol (“GAIR-ay-wole”) at the end of the Cure Salée (“koor sah-LAY”), or “Festival of the Nomads.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this ethnic group of nearly 40 million people spread throughout the Sahel. Discrimination against these people and anti-grazing laws in northern Nigeria have furthered their sedentarism.
ANSWER: Fula people [or Fulani people or Fulɓe; accept Woɗaaɓe or Toucouleur or Haalpulaar; prompt on Hausa–Fulani; reject “Hausa”]
[10e] Around a third of the Fula still practice the “nomadic” form of this subsistence lifestyle, the largest such group in the world. This form of animal husbandry involves free-range herding of grazing animals.
ANSWER: pastoralism [or word forms; accept nomadic pastoralism; accept transhumance; prompt on shepherding or cowherding or animal husbandry or raising livestock]
[10h] The annual Yaaral and Degal festivals mark large-scale cattle crossings of this region near Mopti and Djenné (“jen-NAY”) as part of the Fula transhumance cycle. This vast floodplain is fed by the Beni River and anchors Mali’s fisheries.
ANSWER: Inner Niger Delta [or Maasina; accept Inland Niger Delta or Inland delta of the Niger River; prompt on Niger River; reject “Niger Delta”] (Mopti means “gathering” in Fula.)

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