
Note to moderator: Read the answerline carefully. Description acceptable. The Hyper-Luminous X-ray source 1 was one of the first claimed observations of these objects. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these “missing link” objects that could have seeded the formation of high-redshift objects whose existence would otherwise require Eddington-limited accretion for most of the age of the universe.
ANSWER: intermediate-mass black holes [or IMBHs; accept descriptions of “black holes with a mass (or size) between 100 (or 10²) and 100,000 (or 10⁵) solar masses”; accept descriptions of “black holes with mass (or size) between stellar-mass and supermassive black holes”; accept direct-collapse black holes or DCBHs; reject “stellar black holes” or “supermassive black holes”; prompt on black holes or massive black holes]
[10e] Mergers between intermediate-mass black holes are one explanation for the formation of these black holes. AGNs are powered by these black holes, which have a mass of at least 1 million solar masses.
ANSWER: supermassive black holes [or SMBH]
[10m] Intermediate-mass black holes are predicted by a relation between black hole mass and this quantity for a galactic bulge. This statistical quantity, denoted sigma, is related to the luminosity of elliptical galaxies by the Faber–Jackson power-law relation.
ANSWER: velocity dispersion [prompt on dispersion; reject “velocity”]
<Other Science>

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