
A nurse named Alina relayed news of a strike in this city sparked by the firing of a woman over membership in the WZZW. A neo-socialist writer asked “Why Die for” [this city] (10[2])in an anti-war slogan published in a Parisian newspaper. In this city, a list of 21 demands made by the Inter-Enterprise Strike Committee, or MKS, led to an agreement permitting politically independent unions. At the start of one invasion, the Brownshirts aided local police in a fierce battle over this city’s Post Office. At Versailles, a corridor of land west of this port city was granted to a country led by Józef Piłsudski. A 1980 strike in this city’s shipyards (10[1])led to the formation of Solidarity. For 10 points, a crisis over what “Free City” on the Baltic Sea was an immediate cause of the Nazi invasion of Poland? ■END■

ANSWER: Gdańsk [or the Free City of Danzig]
<European History>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Michael GeCornell ABinghamton3210
Tom ScheriRIT ARIT B3210
Sarod NoriCornell BCornell C11210
