
This thinker explored the rhythm and tone of speech as deriving from a “repressed, instinctual, maternal element.” This thinker presented “the corpse… outside of science” as “the utmost of” a concept contrasted with Lacan’s objet petit a (“ob-JAY puh-TEET AH”) and compared to the skin that forms on top of hot milk. In the essay “From One Identity To Another,” this thinker contrasted the patriarchal aspect of language, or the symbolic, with the “archaisms of the semiotic body” associated with the mother and Plato’s concept of the chora. This author of Desire in Language describes the horror that one experiences when the “corporeal reality” of the Real intrudes on the symbolic order in Powers of Horror. For 10 points, name this Bulgarian-born French thinker who developed the concept of abjection and coined the term “intertextuality.” (0[2])■END■

ANSWER: Julia Kristeva [or Yuliya Stoyanova Krasteva]
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