
In a poem by this author, the speaker asserts that the subject’s “hallowed relics” should not be “hid / Under a star-ypointing (“star ih-pointing”) pyramid.” This author states that the thought of his “noble task” will lead him “through the world’s vain mask” in one of two poems he addressed to Cyriack Skinner. In a poem by this author likely about Katherine Woodcock, the speaker solemnly notes, “I wak’d, she fled, and day brought back my night.” This author asked, “Doth God exact day-labour?” in a poem about “that one Talent which is death to hide.” This author of “Methought I saw my late espoused saint” asserted that the “thousands” at God’s bidding “also serve who only stand and wait” in his sonnet “When I consider how my light is spent.” For 10 points, name this blind author of Paradise Lost. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: John Milton (The first poem is “On Shakespeare. 1630.”)
<British Literature>
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2024 ACF Regionals @ JMU01/27/2024Y1100%0%0%139.00