
During a stay at a Roman monastery following the deaths of two of his children, this composer spent four years writing his massive Christus oratorio. A saint from Paola who was refused passage across the Strait of Messina inspired one of this composer’s two Légendes (“lay-ZHOND”). A collection by Alphonse de Lamartine inspired a piano cycle by this composer that includes a contemplative F-sharp major “Benediction of God in Solitude.” A quote from the Gospel of John is written in the middle of a piano piece from this composer’s Années de pèlerinage (10[1])(“ah-NAY duh pell-ree-NAHZH”). This composer was often called “Abbé” after his ordination as a priest, which occurred a decade after the triumphs of his Dante Symphony and Liebesträume (“LEE-bus-troy-muh”). For 10 points, name this devout composer and piano virtuoso from Hungary who inspired a namesake (10[1])“mania.” (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: Franz Liszt [or Liszt Ferencz or Liszt Ferenc; accept Lisztomania]
<Classical Music>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Raymond WangCornell ABinghamton9010
Cade ReinbergerRIT BRIT A13110
Karthik PrasadCornell BCornell C13210