
This man declared that “Respect for the rights of others is peace” a week after he executed Santiago Vidaurri without trial. After this man’s predecessor failed to seize power with the Plan of Tacubaya, this man governed (-5[1])with aid from Guillermo Prieto (“ghee-AIR-mo pree-AY-toh”) and Melchor Ocampo from Veracruz. A law named for this head of the Supreme Court against military and church influence in civil courts was supplemented by the Lerdo Law during the presidency of Ignacio Comonfort, whom this leader succeeded as the third and last president of La Reforma. This Liberal defeated Félix Zuloaga (“FAY-leeks soo-loh-AH-gah”) in the Reform War. The forces of this first indigenous president in the Americas won the later Battle of Puebla. For 10 points, Maximilian’s rule was opposed by what Zapotec president (10[1])who led Mexico from 1858 to 1872? ■END■

ANSWER: Benito Juárez [or Benito Pablo Juárez García]
<World History>
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Yared TadesseCornell ABinghamton36-5
Julian BushlowCornell CCornell B12510