
An artist from this country painted a mustachioed man spinning a wheel to sharpen the title object to illustrate the “principle of glittering.” In another painting from this country, a disembodied hand points to the right above a coffee cup and the text “T. 402,” while wheels kick up billowing dust clouds. The painters of The Knife Grinder (10[1])and Cyclist were part of radical groups in this country called Hylea and Donkey’s Tail, both inspired by its earlier Jack of Diamonds group. An artist from this country painted a square with thin borders offset at a slight angle against (10[1])a white background in White on White, (10[1])which is often contrasted with his work Black Square. For 10 points, what non-Italian country was home to many Suprematist and Cubo-Futurist painters, including Kazimir Malevich? ■END■

ANSWER: Russia [or Russian Empire or Rossiya or Rossiyskaya Imperiya; accept Soviet Union or USSR or SSSR or Soyuz Sovietskikh Sotsialichetskhikh Respublik; prompt on Ukraine by asking “what country was Ukraine a constituent part of at the time?”] (Cyclist is by Natalia Goncharova.)
<Painting & Sculpture>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Raymond WangCornell ACornell B5710
Cade ReinbergerRIT BBinghamton9810
Tom ScheriRIT ACornell C10510