
The gilded Greenwich style of these objects from the 16th century are detailed in the Jacob Album, named for Jacob Halder. The Negroli family produced the round Milanese style of these objects, which used asymmetric spaulders and competed with the slimmer Gothic style that used sallets with pronounced tails. A style of these objects decorated with flutings is named for Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian (-5[1])I. A type of these objects called a hauberk is depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry. (10[1])Cloth covers were often used along with a form of these objects for horses called barding. A gap in one of these objects let a piece of wood kill Henry II, while the weight of another caused Frederick Barbarossa to drown while crossing a river. For 10 points, name these objects worn by medieval knights (10[1])that could be made of chain mail or metal plate. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: suits of armor [accept chainmail or plate armor until read; accept helmet or breastplate; accept horse armor]
<European History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Will HooverRIT ACornell C63-5
Jacky XuCornell BCornell A7810
Cade ReinbergerRIT BBinghamton13310
Julian BushlowCornell CRIT A14310