
The author of the series Christian Poems is usually considered to have begun this movement with a sermon quoting 1 Samuel 12 (“first Samuel chapter 12”). A leading lawyer in this movement, Edward Badeley, argued against secular ordination of a priest in the Gorham case. The “National Apostasy” sermon inaugurated this movement, one of whose leaders argued that the Council of Trent was compatible with the Thirty-Nine Articles in the last of a series of 90 pamphlets. This movement is also called “Tractarianism” in honor of that series, co-written by John Henry Newman, who was one of this “high church” movement’s many Catholic converts. It is named for an institution where Hugh Latimer, Nicolas Ridley, and Thomas Cranmer were martyred. (-5[1])For 10 points, what 19th-century Anglican movement is named for England’s oldest university? (10[1])■END■ (10[2]0[1])

ANSWER: Oxford movement [or Oxfordians; or Puseyites; accept Tractarianism until read; accept Newmanites until “Newman” is read; accept Anglo-Catholicism until “Catholic” is read and prompt afterwards; prompt on high church Anglicanism until “high church” is read; prompt on Catholic Anglicanism until “Catholic” is read; reject “Anglicanism” or “Catholicism”]
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Karthik PrasadCornell BCornell A115-5
Will HooverRIT ACornell C12810
Yared TadesseCornell ACornell B12910
Matthew ChristianBinghamtonRIT B12910
Cade ReinbergerRIT BBinghamton1290