
Adherents of Candomblé syncretize this figure with the orixá (“oh-ree-SHAH”) Oxum (“oh-SHOOM”), who may be represented by the stained-glass egg above the altar of the Cathedral of Brasília, which is dedicated to this figure. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this title given to the Virgin Mary as the patron saint of Brazil. A clay idol of this figure is housed in a basilica between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro that is the largest cathedral in the world by area.
ANSWER: Our Lady of Aparecida (“ah-pah-ray-SEE-dah”) [or Nossa Senhora Aparecida; accept Cathedral Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady Aparecida or Catedral Basílica do Santuário Nacional de Nossa Senhora Aparecida; accept Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady of Aparecida or Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida]
[10m] Our Lady of Aparecida is popular among adherents of Candomblé in part for having this characteristic. The Vodou lwa Èzili Dantò (“eh-zee-LEE dawn-TOH”) is depicted with the imagery of Our Lady of Częstochowa (“chen-stoh-KHOH-vah”), a Polish Madonna with this characteristic.
ANSWER: black skin [or equivalents like dark skin; accept Black Madonnas or Virgens Negras or Czarne Madonny; accept Black Madonna of Częstochowa or Czarna Madonna z Częstochowy]
[10e] The prototypical example of a dark-skinned Madonna syncretized into Latin American tradition is this country’s Our Lady of Guadalupe.
ANSWER: Mexico [or México or United Mexican States or Estados Unidos Mexicanos]

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