
Answer the following about the influences and early career of philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, for 10 points each.
[10m] Kierkegaard’s university dissertation discussed Socrates’s use of this concept by feigning ignorance. This concept comes after Contingency in the title of a Richard Rorty book that describes it as a doubt in one’s final use of vocabulary.
ANSWER: Socratic irony [accept Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity]
[10e] Kierkegaard’s thesis came after he attended a lecture given by Frederich Schelling also attended by this thinker, a close collaborator with Karl Marx who wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England.
ANSWER: Frederich Engels
[10h] Kierkegaard was introduced to this philosopher, who he greatly admired, through his father. This philosopher, who coined the term “idealism,” created his own rationalist system based on the principle of contradiction and de-emphasized monads.
ANSWER: Christian Wolff

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