
During the Holocaust, the “Paper Brigade” smuggled Jewish artifacts to an institute that Max Weinreich founded with the goal of accomplishing this process for Yiddish. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this process of developing codified rules for a language. A book by Max’s son, Uriel Weinreich, discusses how linguistic purism motivates language academies to pursue this process.
ANSWER: language standardization [or answers that indicate selection or development of a standard language; or standardology] (The book is Languages in Contact. The institute is YIVO.)
[10e] Max Weinreich popularized the quip that a language is one of these constructs “with an army and a navy.” Uriel Weinreich pioneered the “structural” form of a field named for these constructs, such as Scottish English or African-American English.
ANSWER: dialect [accept sociolect or ethnolect or structural dialectology]
[10h] A paper by Uriel Weinreich, his student William Labov, and Marvin Herzog outlines five central problems in sociolinguistics, including this question of why changes “take place in a particular language at a particular time.”
ANSWER: actuation problem
<Social Science>

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