
This poet was a major influence for authors of the British Poetry Revival in the ’60s and ’70s, a loosely defined movement of modernist poetry. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this poet who used the line “Brag, sweet tenor bull” to begin his long poem Briggflatts.
ANSWER: Basil Bunting [or Basil Cheesman Bunting]
[10e] The British Poetry Revival is often seen as a reaction to The Movement, a group of anti-modernist authors that includes this British poet of The Whitsun Weddings and “This Be the Verse.”
ANSWER: Philip Larkin [or Philip Arthur Larkin]
[10m] The British Poetry Revival was also influenced by the poetry of Charles Olson, a pioneer of “projective verse” who was part of this group of poets. Robert Creeley is associated with this group centered at a North Carolina college.
ANSWER: Black Mountain poets [accept Black Mountain College]
<British Literature>

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