
As part of one of these events, a woman was lifted above a door frame and told to say what she could see beyond it. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this kind of event witnessed by Islamic scholar Ibn Fadlan along the Volga River that involved sewing new clothes.
ANSWER: Viking ship burial [or Viking funeral; accept funerals or burials by the Norse, Varangians, Nordic people, or Rus’]
[10m] Ship burials were reserved for only the elite members of the Vikings, such as this chieftain who was invited with his brothers Sineus and Truvor to quell tribal violence in Novgorod according to the Primary Chronicle.
[10e] Rurik’s son Oleg eventually moved his capital to this city. The Rus state named for this city converted to Christianity under Saint Volodymyr and was also ruled by Yaroslav the Wise.
ANSWER: Kyiv [or Kiev; accept Kievan Rus’]
<European History>

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