
Answer the following about studies of the lives of people who become involved in the drug trade, for 10 points each.
[10m] Maria Sviatschi’s 2022 paper “Making a NARCO” showed that these programs, where governments provide cash directly to households, can turn child laborers away from a criminal life. Brazil’s Bolsa familia is a major “conditional” one of these programs.
ANSWER: cash transfers [accept conditional cash transfer or unconditional cash transfer]
[10h] This sociologist wrote Gang Leader for a Day about undercover work in Chicago. This academic’s earlier work includes a book about the rise and fall of the Robert Taylor Homes, called American Project.
ANSWER: Sudhir Venkatesh
[10e] Hard-core dealers of this drug in St. Louis who persist in selling despite a fall in demand are documented in an ethnography of “streetcorner selling” by Bruce Jacobs. Smoking this highly addictive drug became prevalent in the ’80s.
ANSWER: crack cocaine [prompt on cocaine]
<Social Science>

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