
During this festival, half of Mauritius’s population embarks on a barefoot pilgrimage to the sacred lake Ganga Talao called the Kānvaṛ (“KAHN-vur”) Yātrā. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this Hindu festival, the largest observance of Kathmandu’s Pashupatināth (“PUH-shoo-puh-tin-nahth”) Temple. The central ritual of this festival involves a night-long vigil using a japa mālā of rudrāksha (“rood-ROCK-shuh”) to chant a five-syllable mantra until dawn.
ANSWER: Mahā Shivarātri (“MUH-hah shiv-vuh-RAH-tree”)
[10e] This Sanskrit word precedes “Shivāya” (“shiv-VAH-yuh”) in the most important mantra in Shaivism, which is chanted on Mahā Shivarātri. You may also name the customary Hindu greeting, which is derived from this root word and is often said with pressed hands.
ANSWER: namaḥ (“NUM-muh-huh”) [accept namastē or namaskāram; accept “Ōṃ namaḥ Shivāya”]
[10m] The 109th rudrāksha on a japa mālā, which marks a cycle of 108 chants, is named for this mountain. The shikharas, vimānas, and namesake Balinese temple towers represent this mythical mountain at the center of the universe.
ANSWER: Mount Mēru (“MAY-roo”) [or Mēruparvata or Mahāmēru or Sumēru; accept Meru towers or pelinggih meru; accept Hēmādri or Ratnasānu; prompt on Surālay]

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