
A key approach to this city called Grant’s Pass was controlled by Fort Powell. In May 1865, 300 people were killed in this city by a huge magazine explosion at Marshall’s Warehouse. The last slave ship to arrive in the US, the Clotilda, brought Cudjo Lewis (10[1])and the founders of this city’s historic community of Africatown. In this city, Franklin Buchanan supervised the defense of Forts Gaines and Morgan on Dauphin Island and the (emphasize) (10[1])building of the submarine (-5[1])Hunley. After the USS Tecumseh was sunk near this blockade-running center, an admiral ordered his three remaining ironclads to make a mad dash through a minefield, popularizing the phrase “Damn the torpedoes!” For 10 points, David Farragut won an 1864 battle in what Alabama seaport’s namesake bay? (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: Mobile, Alabama [accept Mobile Bay]
<American History>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ethan StrombeckStanford ABerkeley B4510
Andy DurhamStanford CBerkeley A7410
Vinu HariharBerkeley CStanford B78-5
Andrew ZengStanford BBerkeley C12510
