
Competition between high-ranking women in this country for the affection of a European whaler escalated into the Girls’ War. The first exercise of one law code in this country was the execution of a 17-year-old boy who took the name Wiremu for killing 5 settlers. A treaty signed in this country included a term that can be translated as both “unqualified (10[2])chieftainship” or “absolute sovereignty.” A tribal chief in this country repeatedly cut down the Union Jack (10[1])near the Bay of Islands, triggering the Flagstaff War. In 1840, James Busby and William Hobson drafted a treaty that recognized indigenous land ownership in this country; that treaty was signed by chiefs called Rangatira but opposed by Musket Wars veteran Hōne Heke. For 10 points, name this country colonized by the British after the Treaty of Waitangi. ■END■

ANSWER: New Zealand [or Aotearoa]
<Other History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Nathaniel HullBerkeley ABerkeley C6010
Michał GerasimiukStanford AStanford B6010
Ryan SunBerkeley BStanford C7610