
It’s not a king, but Félix Morisseau-Leroy reimagined this character as a Vodou deity who speaks Haitian Creole. This character inspired a later character who becomes close to Home Secretary Karamat Lone’s son (-5[1])in order to help Parvaiz, who joined ISIS. In a play, two men discuss a work titled for this character after shoveling sand toward each other. While portraying this character, a man (-5[1])tears off his wig and shouts, “Time waits no longer… I honored those things to which honor belongs.” Two prisoners rehearse a play titled for this character before a prison riot (10[1])breaks out in John Kani, Winston Ntshona, and Athol Fugard’s play The Island. Ismene tries to stop this character, who defies Creon and is buried alive. (10[1])For 10 points, name this title character of a Sophocles play who tries to bury her brother, Polynices. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Antigone [or Antigòn an Kreyòl; prompt on Aneeka by asking “what earlier character is Aneeka based on?”]
<World Literature>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Anuttam RamjiBerkeley BBerkeley A32-5
Tim MorrisonStanford ABerkeley C64-5
Andrew ZengStanford BStanford C9510
Albert SuBerkeley CStanford A12110
Nathaniel HullBerkeley ABerkeley B14010