
This thinker describes converting to Judaism because he did not believe in Jesus without knowing his grandparents had been Jewish in the article Faith of a Heretic. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this thinker who endorsed Martin Buber’s existentialism in Critique of Religion and Philosophy. This thinker helped revive interest in one writer with a book calling them “Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist.”
ANSWER: Walter Kaufmann
[10e] Kaufman produced new translations of this thinker, who heavily criticized Christianity in books like The Gay Science and Beyond Good and Evil.
ANSWER: Friedrich Nietzsche
[10m] Kaufman warned not to view Beyond Good and Evil as a “collection of [these statements] for browsing.” Kaufman did not translate Human, All Too Human, a book that began Nietzsche’s use of these statements, like one regarding looking into the abyss.
ANSWER: aphorisms [accept arrows; accept darts; accept maxims; accept aphorismus]

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