
Note to moderator: Read the answerline carefully. Note to players: Description acceptable. A scholar coined the term “tarbutomics” (“tar-boo-TOH-micks”) to describe how one of these efforts used eclectic hybrid sources and to argue against “purist” approaches to them. A specific instance of these efforts is promoted by the metal band Alien Weaponry. As part of an approach to these efforts abbreviated “RLS,” (10[1])Joshua Fishman (10[1])created an eight-step process. “Breath of Life” Workshops organize many of these efforts in North America. (-5[1])Jessie Little Doe Baird started one of these efforts in Massachusetts by drawing on a Bible created by John Eliot. Early childhood programs (-5[1])in these efforts often draw on their namesake (10[1])“nests” created in New Zealand. (10[2])Eliezer Ben Yehuda galvanized one of these efforts (10[1])by combining (10[1])sources (10[1])from Ladino (10[1])and Yiddish. (10[1]-5[1])For (-5[1])10 points, name these efforts (10[1]-5[3])exemplified by the engineering of modern Hebrew as Israel’s national (10[1])language. (10[3])■END■ (10[3]0[2])

ANSWER: language revitalization [or descriptions of language renewal, revival, regeneration, reintroduction, resurrection, reclamation, preservation, or equivalents; accept descriptions of preventing language death or of teaching endangered languages; accept reversing language shift; accept reviving specific languages like Hebrew; prompt on descriptions of teaching, learning, acquiring, or promoting a language by asking “for what purpose for the given language?”; reject “language shift”] (The first line refers to Ghil’ad Zuckerman’s book Revivalistics.)
<Social Science>
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2024 ACF Nationals2024-04-21Y2090%0%35%124.72


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ashish SubramanianDukeNYU6010
Jakob MyersIndianaNorth Carolina A6210
Dennis ReppenChicago CBrown78-5
Justin WytmarIllinoisColumbia A101-5
Joseph ChambersVirginiaBerkeley B10910
Claire JonesChicago AYale A11410
Jem BurchYale BPurdue11410
Subhamitra Banerjee RoychoudhuryMichiganNorth Carolina B12210
Michael DuWaterlooColumbia B12410
Conor ThompsonIowa StateKentucky12510
Robert CondronChicago BWUSTL A12710
Neal JoshiWUSTL BGeorgia Tech129-5
Seth EbnerJohns HopkinsHarvard12910
Andrew SalijNorthwesternVanderbilt130-5
Skand ParvatikarArizona StateCornell B135-5
Shiv SeshanChicago DCornell A13510
Adrian WongOttawaMcGill135-5
Andrew HannaPennStanford135-5
Urbas EkkaMinnesota BRutgers14510
Mason YuBrownChicago C14610
Forrest WeintraubColumbia AIllinois14610
Akshay SeetharamClaremont CollegesMinnesota A14610
Sarod NoriCornell BArizona State1470
Sanjay SrihariGeorgia TechWUSTL B14710
Nicolas EdwardsMcGillOttawa14710
Michal GerasimiukStanfordPenn14710
Aidan FeinVanderbiltNorthwestern1470