Note to moderator: Read the answerline carefully. Note to players: Description acceptable. A scholar coined the term “tarbutomics” (“tar-boo-TOH-micks”) to describe how one of these efforts used eclectic hybrid sources and to argue against “purist” approaches to them. A specific instance of these efforts is promoted by the metal band Alien Weaponry. As part of an approach to these efforts abbreviated “RLS,” Joshua Fishman created an eight-step process. “Breath of Life” Workshops organize many of these efforts in North America. Jessie Little Doe Baird started one of these efforts in Massachusetts by drawing on a Bible created by John Eliot. Early childhood programs in these efforts often draw on their namesake “nests” created in New Zealand. Eliezer Ben Yehuda galvanized one of these efforts by combining sources from Ladino and Yiddish. For 10 points, name these efforts exemplified by the engineering of modern Hebrew as Israel’s national language. ■END■
ANSWER: language revitalization [or descriptions of language renewal, revival, regeneration, reintroduction, resurrection, reclamation, preservation, or equivalents; accept descriptions of preventing language death or of teaching endangered languages; accept reversing language shift; accept reviving specific languages like Hebrew; prompt on descriptions of teaching, learning, acquiring, or promoting a language by asking “for what purpose for the given language?”; reject “language shift”] (The first line refers to Ghil’ad Zuckerman’s book Revivalistics.)
<Social Science>
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