
An extended metaphor in this poem states that a woman being seduced must “defend the fort,” even though “in such wars women use but half their strength.” A woman in this poem who is called “Venus’s nun” states, “Were I the saint he worships, I would hear him” upon meeting her lover while sacrificing turtledoves at a temple. This poem draws from Byzantine poet Musaeus (10[1])(“mew-ZAY-uss”) Grammaticus and is dedicated to Thomas Walsingham. In As You Like It, Phebe (“FEE-bee”) calls this poem’s author a “dead shepherd” and quotes the last line of its stanza that opens, “It lies not in our power to love or hate.” George Chapman (10[1])completed this poem, (10[3]-5[1])which asks, (10[1])“Who (10[1])ever loved, that loved (10[1])not at first sight?” and is set (-5[1])in (10[1])Abydos (“uh-BYE-doss”) and Sestos, (-5[1])cities across (-5[1])a body (10[1])of water (10[1])that is “guilty (10[1])of true love’s blood.” For 10 points, name this Christopher Marlowe poem about lovers separated by the Hellespont. ■END■ (10[2]0[8])

ANSWER: Hero and Leander
<British Literature>
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2024 ACF Nationals2024-04-21Y2070%0%20%119.29


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ned TagtmeierChicago AYale A6410
Jack RadoColumbia BWaterloo10610
Bryan UgazArizona StateCornell B109-5
Michael HundingIllinoisColumbia A10910
Matthew LehmannWUSTL AChicago B10910
Ben DahlPurdueYale B10910
Richard NiuCornell AChicago D11110
Neal JoshiWUSTL BGeorgia Tech11210
Anuttam RamjiBerkeley BVirginia11610
Adrian WongOttawaMcGill123-5
Nermeen RahmanChicago CBrown12410
Tim MorrisonStanfordPenn127-5
Halle FriedmanNYUDuke129-5
Ethan AshbrookMinnesota AClaremont Colleges13110
James McCurleyHarvardJohns Hopkins13310
Justin HawkinsIndianaNorth Carolina A13610
Rosa XiaCornell BArizona State15510
Ashish SubramanianDukeNYU15510
Conor ThompsonIowa StateKentucky1550
Andrew EllisKentuckyIowa State1550
Ivvone ZhouNorth Carolina BMichigan1550
Yashwanth BajjiMichiganNorth Carolina B1550
Morgan BozemanMinnesota BRutgers1550
Lexi TermanRutgersMinnesota B1550
Andrew HannaPennStanford1550
Andrew SalijNorthwesternVanderbilt1550