
The author of The Book of Lamentations directed puppet plays for this ethnic group, who lead the Monkey Business Theater. For 10 points each:
[10m] What ethnic group created a dance-drama about Charlemagne’s 12 knights? Their annually-staged play about the “Man of Rabinal” (“rah-bee-NAHL”) inspired Sunmoon by a Nobel laureate who created a rebel of this ethnicity named Gaspar.
ANSWER: Maya peoples [or Mayans; accept Kʼicheʼ, Yucatec Maya, Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Chontal, Yokotʼanob, or Yokotʼan] (Rosario Castellanos worked for the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples. The Monkey Business Theater is the Lo’il Maxi. The Rabinal Achi inspired Soluna by Miguel Ángel Asturias.)
[10e] Specific term required. Both Guatemalan Maya dance-dramas and Panamanian congadas adapted Valencian “conquest dances” about the defeat of these people. Othello is called one of them “of Venice.”
ANSWER: Moors [accept The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice; accept Moors and Christians or Moros y Cristianos or Danza de los Moros]
[10h] An old version of Moros y Cristianos was conserved near Nicaragua’s “folklore capital” of Masaya, whose San Jeronimo festival stages this satirical Nahua-Spanish drama likely derived from Mangue (“MANG-gay”) performances.
ANSWER: El Güegüense (“gway-GWEN-say”) [or El Cuecuence; or Macho Ratón or Macho Mouse] (The village of Niquinohomo preserved a version of Moros y Cristianos that may be close to the original text.)
<World Literature>

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