
This ethnicity’s Kwena lineage migrated to hills abandoned by the Toutswe (“TOOT-sway”) tradition after the Phofu (“PO-foo”) dynasty’s 16th-century segmentation. For 10 points each:
[10m] What ethnic group’s homesteads aggregated into “mega-sites” like Kaditshwene (“ka-deech-WAY-nay”) in the Moloko period? Droughts correlate with their fissions after 1450, which culminated in their split from the Sotho (“SOO-too”).
ANSWER: Tswana people [or baTswana or moTswana; accept Sotho–Tswana peoples; accept baKgatla, baHurutshe, baFokeng, baRolong, baTlôkwa, baNgwato, baNtšhabeleng, baTlhaping, baNgwaketse, baTlharo, baLete, or baTawana; prompt on Bantu peoples; reject “Tsonga” or “Nguni”]
[10h] Thomas Huffman’s “Central Cattle Pattern” models Late Iron Age Tswana state formation under paramount chiefs with this title, who answered to kgotla (“COAT-luh”) councils. A Gaborone (“GAB-uh-roh-nee”) monument honors three founders with this title.
ANSWER: kgosi (“CO-see”) [or dikgosi; accept Three Dikgosi Monument; accept bogosi, nkosi, hozi, or ishe] (The Three Dikgosi were Khama III, Sebele I, and Bathoen I.)
[10e] The 500 Year Initiative links the Tswana migrations to Austronesian “Wakwak” raids and coastal infestations of these insects that restricted pastoralism by spreading sleeping sickness.
ANSWER: tsetse (“TSEE-tsee”) flies [or tik-tik flies or Glossina or Glossinidae; prompt on fly, flies, Diptera, or dipterans]
<World History>

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