The Nobel Committee decided not to award the 1959 Nobel Prize in Literature to this author to avoid honoring too many Scandinavians. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this author, who depicted a French maid winning the lottery in “Babette’s Feast.” This author of Seven Gothic Tales recounted her life on a Kenyan coffee plantation in a memoir.
ANSWER: Isak Dinesen [or Karen Christenze von Blixen-Finecke]
[10e] In 1974, Eyvind Johnson, an author from this country, accepted a Nobel having previously argued that Scandinavians were overrepresented. Plays by August Strindberg were premiered in this country’s capital, Stockholm.
ANSWER: Sweden
[10m] The 1959 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to an Italian poet with this last name. In one novel, a hunchbacked character with this first name serves as the bell-ringer of Notre Dame Cathedral.
ANSWER: Quasimodo [accept Salvatore Quasimodo]
<European Literature>
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