Many places in Canada no longer bear the name they were once known by. For 10 points each:
[10e] In 2022, this city’s Ryerson University renamed itself as [this city] Metropolitan University. That university is near Yonge (“young”)-Dundas square, just a short subway ride away from this city’s CN Tower.
ANSWER: Toronto
[10h] The former Queen Charlotte Islands north of British Columbia were renamed after these people in 2010. A Bill Reid canoe sculpture at Vancouver International Airport is titled Spirit of those islands named after these people.
ANSWER: Haida (“HY-duh”) people [accept Haida Gwaii; accept The Spirit of Haida Gwaii]
[10m] Across the Hecate Strait from Haida Gwaii, northern British Columbia was given this name in the early 1800s before it became part of the colony. Today, this name refers to a French overseas collectivity with capital Nouméa.
ANSWER: New Caledonia [or Nouvelle-Calédonie; prompt on Caledonia or Calédonie]
2024 ACF Fall at Cornell | fall | Y | 9 | 13.33 | 100% | 22% | 11% |
2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State | fall | Y | 8 | 15.00 | 100% | 50% | 0% |
2024 ACF Fall at Washington | fall | Y | 6 | 20.00 | 100% | 67% | 33% |
2024 ACF Fall at Georgia | fall | Y | 11 | 13.64 | 100% | 18% | 18% |
2024 ACF Fall at North Carolina | fall | Y | 10 | 15.00 | 70% | 70% | 10% |
2024 ACF Fall at Claremont Colleges | fall | Y | 5 | 16.00 | 100% | 40% | 20% |
2024 ACF Fall at Rutgers | fall | Y | 8 | 15.00 | 100% | 38% | 13% |
2024 ACF Fall at Illinois | fall | Y | 9 | 12.22 | 78% | 33% | 11% |
UW Chastity | UBC B | 10 | 10 | 0 | 20 |
UBC A | UW Envy | 10 | 10 | 10 | 30 |
Arizona State A | UW Greed | 10 | 0 | 10 | 20 |
UW Sloth | UW Lust | 10 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
UW Wrath | Boise State | 10 | 0 | 10 | 20 |
Arizona State B | UW Gluttony | 10 | 0 | 10 | 20 |