
In this novel’s chapter “Dutiful Friendship,” a bassoon-playing patriarch celebrates his mother’s birthday. The death of one character in this novel was described as “beyond the limits of acceptable fiction” and a “vulgar error” by the essayist George Henry Lewes. Love letters signed with the name “Honoria” are found in this novel following Weevle and Snagsby’s discovery of a yellow liquid that smells of fat in the house of a man who collected papers. In this novel, a (*) rag-and-bottle merchant dies of spontaneous combustion. (10[1]-5[1])The lawyer Mr Tulkinghorn investigates the illegitimate birth of a narrator (10[1])of this novel in order to protect Sir Lester Dedlock. For 10 points, the interminable Chancery Court case Jarndyce and Jarndyce appears in what Charles Dickens novel, whose narrator Esther Summerson lives at the title (10[1])estate? ■END■

ANSWER: Bleak House
= Average correct buzz position

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