
Differences in this standard can be dealt with by means of a “bogie exchange”. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this type of standard. Although much of Europe has the “standard” value of 1,435mm for it, much of Eastern Europe has the “Russian” value of it, namely five feet.
ANSWER: railway gauges [prompt on stuff like train widths or railway widths or track widths, asking “what is the specific term for the width of a track?”]
[10e] The most prominent border in western Europe at which railway gauges change is between these two countries. Andorra, which lies on these two other country’s border, avoids the issue by not having any railways.
ANSWER: France and Spain [or France and Espana; accept answers either way around; prompt on partial answers]
[10h] Gauges change on the France-Spain border outside this French town’s station, at the western end of the border across from Irun. Due to its location, Hitler and Franco had their only meeting at this town’s station in 1940.
ANSWER: Hendaye (“on-DIE”)

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