
This essay’s author notes that “the sign Cave Canem is hung permanently just above my door” in its final section, “Handle with Care”. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this essay, which details its author’s mid-1930s mental breakdown. It observes that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas… and still retain the ability to function”.
ANSWER: “The Crack-Up
[10e] “The Crack-Up” describes a breakdown that this author suffered after writing Tender is the Night and The Great Gatsby.
ANSWER: F. Scott Fitzgerald [or Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald]
[10m] “The Crack-Up”, and Fitzgerald’s novel The Last Tycoon, were edited by this friend of his who feuded with Nabokov over Eugene Onegin translations. This critic wrote Patriotic Gore and Axel’s Castle.
ANSWER: Edmund Wilson (Jr.)

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