
Original bas-reliefs invariably depict this figure facing away, though some Renaissance-era reconstructions show him facing forward. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this figure. One depiction of this figure shows them ringed by the zodiac, with two attendants, Cautes and Cautopates, holding torches, while they carry out a tauroctony.
ANSWER: Mithras
[10m] One Mithraeum now lies under the headquarters of Bloomberg in London, designed by this architectural firm. This firm also designed the Millennium Bridge in London, and the Millau Viaduct in France.
ANSWER: Foster + Partners [accept Norman Foster]
[10h] Cristina Iglesias’s sculpture Forgotten Streams outside the Bloomberg HQ evokes this lost river of London, in which that relief of Mithras was found in the 19th century. This river divided the City of London in two.
ANSWER: River Walbrook

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