
Answer the following about Harlem Renaissance plays written as part of the New Deal Federal Theaters Project, for 10 points each:
[10m] The first of those plays, Walk Together Chillun, was by an author with this surname. A later playwright with this surname created Gabriel, who tries to blow a horn three times at the end of a play about Troy Maxson.
ANSWER: Wilson [accept Frank Henry Wilson or August Wilson]
[10h] The second of those plays was Conjur’ Man Dies, on which this author collaborated with Arna Borntemps. This author included “Scottsboro, Too, Is Worth Its Song” in his abridged translation of Medea.
ANSWER: Countee Cullen [or Countee LeRoy Porter]
[10e] For the third of those plays, Orson Welles directed a so-called “Voodoo” version of this Shakespeare tragedy, which was set on a Caribbean island rather than the original settings such as the royal palace of Dunsinane.
ANSWER: Macbeth [or Voodoo Macbeth]

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