
A poem by this author declares “Life’s violent flood / Abolished bounds,–and, which my neighbour’s field / Which mine, what mattered? It is so in youth.” For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this Victorian poet who asked “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” in her collection Sonnets from the Portuguese.
ANSWER: Elizabeth Barrett Browning [or Elizabeth Moulton-Barrett; prompt on Browning]
[10m] This nine-book blank verse epic poem by Browning narrates the past of its title poet, as well as that of Marian Erle. This poem’s first book begins “In those days, though, I never analysed / Myself even. All analysis comes late.”
ANSWER: Aurora Leigh
[10h] Browning wrote Aurora Leigh while at this house in Florence, whose “Windows” title another poem by Browning.
ANSWER: Casa Guidi [accept “Casa Guidi Windows”]

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